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Een vreemdeling die worstelt met vooroordelen en vernedering: het waargebeurde verhaal van een Chinese asielzoeker

Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ

Ik ben een Chinese asielzoeker.  Gedurende het jaar dat ik in het COA-kamp woonde, ben ik vele malen geestelijk en psychisch mishandeld en kon ik hier geen veilige en eerlijke behandeling krijgen.   Ik wilde dit bevooroordeelde en controversiële kamp verlaten, maar alle COA-afdelingen weigerden mijn paspoort terug te geven en verhinderden mij het Schengengebied te verlaten, wat een opzettelijke poging leek om mij in verlegenheid te brengen.

  Ik had vandaag hevige kiespijn. De pijn verspreidde zich naar de zenuwen in mijn hersenen. Ik stikte bijna en viel flauw.   Ik ging naar de COA-receptie om medische hulp te zoeken, maar dat werd mij niet alleen geweigerd, het personeel beledigde mij ook in het Arabisch, denigreerde mij als een 'kakkerlak' en bespotte mij omdat ik dom was.   Ze noemden zichzelf graag ‘wezen’ en maakten in mijn gezicht grapjes over mijn lot.   De meeste medewerkers in dit kamp waren bevooroordeeld en racistisch tegenover mij, en slechts enkelen verdienden mijn erkenning.

  Om mijn eigen rechten en belangen te beschermen heb ik de woorden en daden van COA-medewerkers vastgelegd en hoop dat de desbetreffende afdelingen mij eerlijk kunnen behandelen.   Ik vind dat ik het recht moet hebben om te kiezen of ik wil blijven of niet, in plaats van me hier door het COA-systeem te blijven martelen.   Ik ben zeer teleurgesteld over de hypocriete houding van het COA en wil zo snel mogelijk weg.

  Hier leef ik, afgezien van het nauwelijks onderhouden van een basisleven, een leven zonder waardigheid.   Ik leefde elke dag met pijn en vernedering, en was zelfs bang dat ik in dit verschrikkelijke concentratiekamp zou sterven.   Ik hoop hulp en steun te krijgen uit alle lagen van de bevolking en niet langer onder deze oneerlijke behandelingen te lijden.

Bezig met laden...

7 Reacties

Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
04 februari 2025 (bewerkt)
I had a very strange dream yesterday. In the dream, I was connected to another world. In the early morning of a quiet night, I gathered with a group of women in red and white. Then they hurried forward to take me to a place, the goal was to register at the refugee center. They walked fast, and I was one of them who gradually fell behind and eventually lost the team. At this moment, a wonderful power was awakened - the ability to fly.
Shuttled in the air, approaching a square in a Middle Eastern city, several local extremists saw me flying in the air. In order to achieve their goals, they would do anything to pursue me, and they seemed to be trying to take me to a deserted place with ulterior motives.
With the advantage of flying, I successfully avoided their pursuit and finally landed in the square. I met the cute white-dressed woman who led the way before, who acted coquettishly to me and told me that they had completed the registration, returned and informed the exact location - Canberra.
However, those extremists still did not give up, followed me, and tried to use clumsy tricks to perform tricks. Facing their hypocrisy and malice, he was not afraid and fought back strongly: "Tell them to get out of here as far as possible and stop disturbing my life!"It seems that my In dreams are always closely related to my life
Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
02 februari 2025 (bewerkt)
02 februari 2025
Apart from the horrible way you are treated inside of this facility, they are also not allowing you to leave the country?! Why are they forcing you to stay?
Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
03 februari 2025 (bewerkt)
Maybe they just like to tease people.They will not make your requests come true, but they will try to make the things you least want to happen happen in front of you. This is how I feel.
Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
31 januari 2025
If that guy is suing me for complaining yesterday about a "giant baby hijacking the laundry equipment", and some mentally retarded COA staff members are on his side and think it's my fault, then that just proves that this place is like a concentration camp and that some of the staff are disgustingly racially prejudiced.

If an adult who hogs the washing machine all day and affects the basic needs of others can still be protected by the staff, then that's not just incompetence, it's a blatant disregard for fairness and order. In this environment, people who really follow the rules and want to live a normal life are isolated and suppressed, which in itself illustrates the nature of the problem.

Of course, I also know that some people are like this, regardless of the facts, they will only defend their own biased groups instead of dealing with the problem fairly. But if they really do this, it will only further expose the problems in the COA system - ignoring basic fairness, encouraging bad behavior, and making people who should be protected fall into a worse environment.
Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
31 januari 2025
Immigration has not made a decision on my asylum application. When I was really ready to leave and tried to contact various departments to express my intention to return to my country, they ignored me. Even the attitude of the VWN refugee organization was the same. I live in an environment like a concentration camp every day, living with some evil people from the Middle East and a few Indians who like to create disputes. It's really terrible.

Just yesterday, a Middle Eastern kid who created conflicts, about 30 years old, but with a child's mind. He has been occupying the laundry equipment since morning and washing his clothes repeatedly. Although I kindly reminded him many times before, I was not happy that his bad behavior became worse. He still maliciously occupied the washing machine for a whole day and did not let the washing machine run normally, causing others to be unable to wash clothes. His mentally retarded behavior lasted from morning until nine o'clock in the evening, when he stopped his prank and washed and dried his set of clothes.

In fact, every time I wanted to wash clothes, he would deliberately make trouble, as if he wanted me to be his housekeeper and help him wash and dry clothes. But yesterday, I decided not to indulge his evil deeds. I did nothing the whole day but quietly watched him do evil, letting him realize how stupid his behavior was and how much it dragged down others. The impression they left on me was that every day they were in the living room insulting and belittling me and trying to create all kinds of conflicts. I really didn't expect that some people in the Middle East were so uncultured, so ungenerous and arrogant, so I think this is already their territory. I don't want to argue with them too much. This is just one of the reasons why I want to leave.
Profielafbeelding voor ㅤ
25 januari 2025 (bewerkt)
"While applying for asylum in the Netherlands, I felt that I was treated like a war criminal. I am mentally prepared to voluntarily choose to be repatriated and will never remain silent. I will record in detail the whole process of how the CCP arrested me by violent means. Although IOM (International Organization for Migration) does not support my return to China for my safety, the COA department tried to make me say something against my will. How is this double standard different from the fascist powers in the past? Do they want me to suffer violence and torture from the CCP after returning to China because of the issue of freedom of speech?

I now realize that the so-called democratic regime is actually just a conspiracy with the CCP behind it, trying to force refugees to surrender through mental and psychological abuse. Their real purpose is to force refugees to say something against their will and send them back to their homeland that is not safe for them, so that they can become silent lambs. This behavior exposes their hypocritical masks and makes me see clearly that they are essentially no different from the CCP, and can even be said to be linked to each other and work together. Trying to destroy human dignity and freedom.

In addition, why do I have to go back to China? Can't I choose to go to a non-Schengen country that has visa-free entry to China? Who has the right to decide my fate? Since I came to this camp, every time they invited me to talk, they never really solved any of my practical problems except ridicule and difficulties. If they don't understand refugee law and related regulations, but are simply targeting me, I ask them not to contact me again. I don't want to communicate with people who only create conflicts like this.

I can accept leaving the EU Schengen area, but they have repeatedly obstructed me from going to other third countries that have visa-free entry to China to escape the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party. I have made this clear to various departments many times - no less than five times. The Immigration Bureau also seems unwilling to make a decision on my asylum application. If the Netherlands does not welcome me, I hope they can clearly reject my asylum application. I will not force the Netherlands to accept me, but I beg them to respect my choice and let me leave this place that makes me feel like a Stasi concentration camp. "